West Graham Street, Glasgow
December 2021

Greek: def: “the art by which inward thought is expressed”
Willie Sutherland is known for his inspired use of waste cardboard to analyse and express his emotions and world view through what he calls his “makings”.
He has a strong belief in individual and community wellness through creativity and that art should be for everyone.
In partnership with photographer and multi diciplinary artist Martin Gray, this 2d diorama spread across 6 photographs developed to take his sculpture out of the gallery and into public spaces.
"Willuminations" journals their conversations on a shared belief in a hands-on approach to art and its creation whilst utilising modern technology, and celebrates the individual whilst recognising our common humanity.
Sutherland and Gray believe that the piece, unveiled during COP26, celebrates the healing power of art, and encourages the creation of beauty without waste.
Sutherland has long cited his greatest influence as the late George Wyllie, best known for the humour and humanity expressed through his own public art.
Like Wyllie before him, Sutherland launched his creative practice in middle age and the commonality between the two sculptors has been cemented by Sutherland’s ongoing series of collaborations with the George Wyllie estate including a series of exhibitions which see their work brought together for the first time, and Sutherland “makings” translated from original Wyllie drawings which form part of the “Willuminations” for Jack Arts.
Jack Arts - www.buildhollywood.co.uk