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Our story of the origin of Wa begins with Bob’s parents being lost at sea, they had called him Bob for good luck because buoys float. Bob loved his parents very much but doubted he would ever live up to the example they had set.
Jam Tomorrow
Bob would often be so caught up in his daydreaming that he would forget to eat for days, he believed the shrinking feeling in his tummy was a good thing as the pain of it reminded him he was alive.
Bob tried counting his blessings but all he could think about was the missing sock.
A Benefactor?
Bob always kept quiet and did what he was told, even when he knew that the grownups were wrong.
So he put away his favourite things but where would he find comfort now?
A Part, Apart
Bob was always the biggest in his class but that wasn’t what set him apart.
Bob didn’t understand other people, so he pushed them away.
Sometimes they pushed back.
He would just lie there and play with the daisies.
At least when he made his own cake he could eat the whole thing.
Everywhere he went he felt he was being judged.
A Forest
He liked being in the woods where it was quiet.
Little Fluffy Clouds
Some days he was free as a cloud.
He didn’t like it when it got dark.
Origin of Wa
When he found the costume, he felt invincible, and all his worries disappeared.